Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Little Introduction

As my bio says, my name is Aya and I'm currently a junior at Loyola Marymount University. Although I'm a semester ahead so technically, I guess that makes me a first semester senior-- that's a scary thought. I was born in Japan and had travelled to Australia three times and Thailand once all by the age of six; probably the reason why I love travelling so much. I moved to Los Angeles two months before my seventh birthday and have lived here since. Most people are surprised when I tell them that I was born in Japan because I'm so Americanized. I have huge love for London and the UK in general, so much so that I have a London related tattoo that I got while studying abroad in London fall semester 2013. Yup! I have a tattoo-- two to be exact. But maybe that'll be a story for later.

I'm not quite sure if this blog will be focused on one thing. I originally thought about a travel related blog, but the truth is, I don't have the funds to travel on a consistent basis to make this a travel blog. So instead, I guess it'll be a blog that covers travel related subjects (both from my past experiences and hopefully future travels) as well as whatever exciting goes on in my life, whether it be my mental breakdowns thinking about my future, baking adventures, or the number of baseball games I attend each year. I guess my hope is to just consistently post and have something to look back on and in the process connect with others.

So what do I like? Well truthfully, I dread this question. But to list a few things, I love baseball and soccer, or just sports in general, binge-watching tv shows, theatre, reading, travel travel travel, baking, and drinking tea. What do I want to do in the future? Not exactly sure. For a long time I thought I wanted to do PR but I'm not so sure anymore. I'm looking towards something in baseball but at the same time looking for a way to go back to London. I've actually been looking into an abroad internship program for spring 2015, since I'll be finished with school by then but the thought of having to find a job in January 2015 scares me. I mentioned I studied abroad, and maybe that'll be a blog post I make later because lets be real, if there's ever any chance for me to talk about my study abroad, I'll take it. My favorite movie ever is The Sandlot and if The Sandlot didn't exist, it'd be The Social Network. I love British television and I probably watch more YouTube than normal. I think I need to put out there that I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and will judge you based on what your favorite Harry Potter movie is (just kidding. sort of. not really.)

I'm not sure what else to write for now. But I'm actually really excited to start this blog, because if you couldn't tell, I have quite a few posts I want to write already. So here's to a wonderful adventure (of this blog).


(Here's a picture of me in Santorini-- a dream years in the making come true.)

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